Meet Cinderella

Well, Miss T thinks she's Cinderella. My husband and I took my niece, Trinity, trick or treating last night. We had fun. Under any other circumstances I would have never attempted to go trick or treating. Thanks IF!
Miss T hung with the best of them. She loved it. The great thing about being an Aunt is, I let her eat unlimited amounts of candy. Then I got to drop her off at her grandmother's house when we were finished trick or treating!
The picture is not the best. It could have used some editing. I lost my software to for my digital camera when I upgraded and had my computer repaired. So, now I must find my software in the mist of all the other junk in my office/computer room.
It was so funny last night. Trinity's crown was a little too big and kept falling down around her eyes. I asked her if she would like to take it off. Oh no, she was wearing it no matter what. My husband and I thought for sure she would ditch the crown.
Overall, it was a very fun night. Except I kept snatching candy out of Trin's bucket. Okay, sometimes you have to indulge a little. It was Halloween!
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