Sunday, August 28, 2005

So beta results from Friday...

A big huge whooping 3. Yes folks a 3. My p-4 was a 25. So, that was good to see. My nurse said I can't officially tell you are pregnant, but I can't tell you that you aren't either. It's okay. I've come to terms with this not working. I figure this might be a chemical.
But for me this is kind of reassuring if it is a chemical. Because at least I know that that the 30 something thousand dollars that we have spent has got me somewhere. A chemical. I was beginning to think my uterus was the black hole that ate embryos or something.
My birthday turned out to be much better than expected. My husband gave me a gift card to Best Buy because I've been bitching that I wanted a new camera, laptop. It's not enough for a laptop but I could get a really nice camera. He also sent me flowers. I'm such a drama queen. Nice hormones thank you.
I have another beta on Tuesday. We shall see. If it hasn't went up then it's watch out Mr. Wine Cooler. I bought 13 bottles of wine at the winery when were in the mountains this weekend.
My best friend had a little get together with another couple at her mother's mountain house for my birthday. It was so relaxing. Imagine a nice A frame house on about 20 acres of land with a pond to one side of it and a creek running though the property. A porch that wraps all the way around the house. Beautiful.... You can hear only nature.
I need that freaking house for the whole 2ww. It completely took my mind off everything being around people all weekend. Just what I needed!


Blogger Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Yay! Glad your birthday was a good one! Way to save the day, DH! And woohoo that things are still in the air with the beta. Truely not over till its over (and it was a REALLY early beta, if I recall). I am hoping you get wonderful news on Tues....

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow baby doll!

9:07 PM  

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