Saturday, July 16, 2005

Support boards...

Well, let's just say I'm bored and I've seen some shit tonight.
I guess I've been with the darkside for far to long. I have tremendous amounts of support from online friends at a certain board that I post on. They are for woman who experience IF and Ivf. These women are amazing. And most of them have been through the same tragic amounts of shit, while TTC.
I should write out some checks because to tell you the truth, they are my shrinks. Friends that I can vent to, be angry, cry, bitch, and lets not forget to mention..
Yes whine, with my wine! And sometimes we whine online, with our wine in hand. A little of my poetic self shining through with that last sentence.
But, sometimes I lurk on other boards. And being bored tonight I wanted to be a little shit and stir things up on the other board. But, I didn't! The other board is just freakin to much. I use to frequent this other board back in the days before gloom and doom set in. It was always so "baby dusty". I really just want to go to other board tonight and post, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE,FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESUS,EXPLAIN BABYDUST??? What the fuck is it? And why do people say that? I was positive but never a duster.
I just don't get it at all?
Okay, I know it's Friday night and I'm that pathetic! I am sitting home crying in my beer about baby dust.
I'm just so thankful for my darksided friends.. and did I mention no cigs in 3 days? Incase anyone in cyber world cares!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what I'd do without my friends inside the computer either. I totally hear ya on those babydust type boards, though. It's just too much. Yay on the 3 days!!! You're doing great.

9:17 AM  

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