Monday, June 27, 2005


What can I say? Pita(Pain In The Ass) sister gets in town yesterday afternoon. So, Brian and I weren't feeling the best from our cookout for friend's the night before. Let's just say the night before was interesting to say the least. My light weight husband got a little sick from too much alcohol intake.
So, sister wants to go to dinner last night with my niece, nephew, her husband and a friend that met them in town who is visting them. He's from St. Louis. We agree to meet up!
First, she starts by telling me she needs a child friendly resturant to go to because of the children. Okay, how about CHUCKIE FUCKING CHEESE? Well, she says that a little too child friendly. Great, how about Japanese? Sounds great. Well, my little nephew completely shows his ass the whole time at dinner. He's almost 2 and my sister and brother in law let him do whatever he wants. I was so embarrassed. He ran all over the resturant. Climbed all over my niece(she's 5) and walks over and pinches my husband and scratches me. Lovely little hellion. He wouldn't sit steal or even sit in his seat, eat anything, or listen to anyone. He finally decides to eat, and he starts throwing food at everyone. Let's not forget the screaming at the resturant. Then throwing himself down in the middle of the floor.
I wanted to beat the child. I couldn't believe that my sister let him act like he was acting. I was horrified.
So, in the middle of dinner she decides to start asking about my IVF. Which, I don't like to tell her anything about. "So are you guys trying again?" I say," Yes, we might." She said, "When?" Me, "None of your fucking buisness"( is what I felt like saying but it was more along the lines of) "Maybe next month." Do I feel like talking about this with you and your total stranger friend. HELL NO. I was really getting really angry.
Also, forgot to mention when we got to the resturant, we had a party of 7! She tells the hostess we only need 6 chairs because my husband is so small he doesn't count. Thank the lord my husband didn't hear that comment. That kind of set the mood for dinner, if you know what I mean? And my husband has gained 20 pounds since she has last seen him. He looks damn good. I can't help it that he's athletic and stays in shape, while her husband looks like he's expecting anytime! Good gracious, that made me so mad!
So Pita sister wants to hang out today. It's raining and she wants to spend the day togethor. No amusment park today because of severe thunder storms. Someone help me or I'm going to flip the hell out on her!!! Did I mention how bad I had indigestion after dinner?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crapola! That is SO rude about her "skinny" comments to Brian! My poor dh has the opposite problem & struggles w/ his weight constantly. If my sister were to make comments about him being chunky I would absolutely lose it! And the kid.. what is up w/ that? My nephew is extremely spoiled too & gets on my last damn nerve! It's no wonder you had indigestion! It'll all be over soon..hopefully! And thank cheesus they're staying at a hotel.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me who just posted!


12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, she's really pissing me off - when does she leave?

4:27 PM  

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