Thursday, June 09, 2005

Finally a call...

So, little brother finally called last night. What's messed up is Brian and I were watching the season premiere of 6ft Under on VOD, and I told Brain just let the answering machine get it. Wow, glad he didn't listen to me for once! All is well with little brother and he is helping out new members that come into the program now. He's gained 40 pounds and he love's being there.
Now, this is where I get jealous. He's been to several ballets and several plays. He said the ballets were unreal, beautiful. I have always wanted to go to a ballet. The program is showing him there is more to life than drugs and I am so happy for this.
I guess my little google searching finally paid off. This is a "Grassroots" program that he is in. No money out of any family member's pockets. They are a self-sufficient program. It's really wild. He said he is so thankful he is there and I believe him. The family gets to see him in Sept. and I can't wait.
I guess my blog has gotten a little off IVF lately, since I'm waiting until Aug/Sept. for the FET. I will be talking a lot about various things in my life. I'm sure once we start adoption classes I will have a lot more to say...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally heard from your brother and that he's doing well. Oh, yes, the Ballet. You really should go sometime.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Great to hear that he called (and you answered!) and that he is doing well. That does sound like a great program! Yeah, I find I can't talk enough about fertility/adoption to fill a blog, either. And so my dear readers have to put up with the jumble that is my life. Oh well! Thats more realistic anyway!

12:43 PM  

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