Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fertile Friends have no clue!!!

Don't get me wrong, I have some of the greatest friends in this whole world! But, there are a few who just don't get it.
I have one friend who thinks because I don't see her children on a daily basis(we are over 900 miles apart) that I need to get pictures emailed to me every other day? She even sent old pictures of her children. Like when her 2 year old was a baby. I don't get this at all?
Okay, yes thank you for the baby picture of your two year old. That's like the 80th time I've seen it in the last two years bitch! Did I ask for that same picture again? NO!
Then, another friend that I have has 4 children. Every time we talk she bitches the whole time about the children. And since she's Mrs. Queen of Fertile Land. When second IVF cycle didn't work. Instead of consoling me. She had the nerve to get in an arguement with her husband when we were on the phone togethor about my fucking infertility!
She screams out to her husband when we were talking, " NO, THE PROBLEM IS SHE CAN'T CARRY CHILDREN!" I was enraged. He then yells something back at her.
Really, hum.. Did I need to hear all of that? I just had a negative fucking beta. Didn't need that yelled out into my ear over the phone!
I mean for all I know I can carry children. If I would ever get a pregnancy in my God Foresaken Uterus I might find out.
Fertie's have no fucking clue.....
I guess I really could go on and on about all the comments that people have said to me but that would fill up this entire blog.
What's so sad is this:
I feel like I'm handicap. I mean from the outside you see this nice, attractive, young lady.(Wow! I actually said something good about myself) Then you find out about my infertility and it's like people think I'm diseased and contagious or something. Like I suddenly can't hear asshole comments or see big fat belly rubs.
I hate my infertility.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. Fertile Myrtles have absolutely no clue. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. It's so hard to have no control over such a situation.

Thanks for fixing the comment thing chica.

1:28 PM  

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